Most of us have goals and dreams we’d like to accomplish. Maybe you’d like to start your own business. Or maybe you’d like to begin singing professionally. Perhaps you’d like to work on your personal or spiritual growth and development. You have a clear vision of the person you’d like to become but haven’t the foggiest clue how to begin. Hiring a life coach would be a great place to start!
Life coaching is a collaboration between coach and client that involves inspiring and creative methods that motivate the client to work towards becoming better versions of themselves. Or as life coach and NLP practitioner, Jeni Purdie, simply puts it: Life coaching is “a purposeful conversation that inspires you to create your best life.”
So, why hire a life coach? Below are a few reasons:
Reason #1 – A life coach is your accountability partner.
When it comes to reaching your goals, receiving help from a professional is that added little push that keeps you committed and on task.
Reason #2 – A life coach gives us a fresh perspective.
We are creatures of habits, and sometimes we are too close to see the habits that could continue to stop us from achieving success in certain areas of our lives. These habits are so ingrained in us that we don’t realize they exist. A life coach can give you a different perspective and help you create new habits, systems, and patterns.
Reason #3 – A life coach can help you with subconscious reprogramming and redirecting.
You have this vision, and you are excited about going for it. You attempt and you quit. You attempt again and you quit again. And so on until you give up completely. It is so easy to place the blame on everyone and everything but fail to realize that it is actually YOU who is getting in your own way. We allow are limiting beliefs and negative “stinkin’ thinkin’” we hold about ourselves and the world to prevent us from moving forward. A life coach will help you reprogram your negative subconscious programming!
Reason #4 – A life coach can help you become identity driven instead of action-driven.
Many of us believe that action changes our identity. For example, instead of saying “I am going to learn three new songs each month so that I can become a professional singer,” will probably not be enough to keep you committed. But if you instead say, “I am a talented professional singer. And as a professional singer, I will schedule daily practice hours, find a voice teacher, and set a date for my first performance.” should actually be the other way around. Our Identities should drive our actions, and your actions will always reflect who you really think you are. A life coach helps you with identifying who you are and with making the appropriate actions.
Reason #5 – Working with a life coach gives you a boost of confidence.
Nothing like moving towards your goals with detailed plans and actions to boost your confidence! Working with a life coach helps you see that what you desire is achievable, and you are closer to your dreams becoming reality with each step forward.
Reason #6 – Hiring a life coach is an investment in you.
Spending your hard-earned money to hire a life coach sends a subconscious message to your brain to begin taking your goals and dreams seriously. You are letting the universe know that you are willing to put skin in the game to achieve your desired outcomes. You are saying, “I’m finally showing up for me and here’s my money, time, and efforts to prove it!”
Reason #7 – A life coach provides help tailored to your specific needs and goals.
Do you remember how quickly you were able to grasp a concept or a lesson when you worked one-on-one with your teacher, professor, tutor, etc. Remember how they simplified things in a way that you were able to obtain what was being taught. Now, imagine hiring a life coach to work one-on-one with you. Think about it – your entire session is tailored to help you hold to your goals and grasp insights that will lead you to obtaining your desired outcome. A life coach assesses where you currently are in life and helps you to break down your goals into achievable chunks. A recipe for quick results and a skyrocketing LEVEL UP!
So, tell me: what would you want to work on with a life coach? Which aspect of life coaching do you think would make the biggest difference in your life? You're on my website, might as well contact me for your free session!